Visualizing Simulation Data Using Graphs and Tables

Revision as of 19:57, 10 July 2014 by Kazem Sabet (Talk | contribs)

When you run a "Live Simulation" in B2.Spice A/D, the simulation results are typically displayed in real time using either virtual instruments or circuit animation on your schematic. At the end of a B2.Spice A/D Test, the simulation results are normally displayed using graphs, tables or both. B2.Spice A/D has a powerful "Data Manager" that can generate a variety of graphs types and tables for visualizing and displaying your test results. Some virtual instruments allow you to record the simulation data during a live simulation and then plot them on a graph, too.

At the end of an analog or mixed-mode circuit simulations, the node voltages, branch currents and device powers are typically available for graphing or tabulation. Voltages, current and powers are usually plotted as a function of time or frequency. In the case of a Network Analysis test, port characteristics like scattering, impedance or admittance parameters are also computed. At the end of a digital circuit simulation, it is the state of the digital inputs and outputs, which you would like to visualize.

Last modified on 10 July 2014, at 19:57