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What's New in EM.Cube R20.1?

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=== EM.Cube R20R21.1 Release At A Glance ===
The new [[EM.Cube]] R20R21.1 release is the most powerful electromagnetic simulation suite EMAG Technologies Inc. has ever produced in its history of more than two decades. The new release offers a combination of state-of-the-art simulation capabilities that reflect the latest advances in computational electromagnetics (CEM) as well as productivity features requested by our valued users.
=== New EM.Tempo (FDTD) Features ===
*New Python function for setting the RMS height of rough Earth surface
=== New EM.Illumina (Physical Optics) Features === *New improved formulation of lossy dielectric surfaces and dielectric-coated PEC objects based on the method of equivalent current approximation (MECA)*New Gaussian beam sources*Huygens source arrays with amplitude and phase distribution*New polarimetric scattering matrix sweep simulation as a special type of the RCS observable === New EM.Picasso (Planar MOMMoM) and EM.Libera (Surface MoM MOM & Wire MOM) Features ===
*New source arrays of strip gap, wire gap, probe gap and scattering port types with phased array and AESA capability including classic weight distribution types (One-Parameter Taylor-Kaiser, Taylor N-bar, Bayliss N-bar, etc.) and user-defined complex weights
*Improved array factor definition for the radiation pattern observable with user defined amplitude and phase distribution including classic weight distribution types (One-Parameter Taylor-Kaiser, Taylor N-bar, Bayliss N-bar, etc.) and user-defined complex weights
=== New Miscellaneous CubeCAD EM.Illumina (Physical Optics) Features ===
*Expanded material list with mechanical and thermal properties*New list improved formulation of available standard output parameters lossy dielectric and dielectric-coated PEC objects based on the project's observablesmethod of equivalent current approximation (MECA)*Improved and enhanced custom (userNew focused Gaussian beam source with higher-defined) output parameters that can be updated instantly at postorder Hermite-processingGauss modal profile*New functionality added to "Consolidate" tool for converting special transform objects to generic solid, surface or curve objects point transmitter source with user defined radiation pattern*Improved "Random Group Multi-transmitter source arrays with phased array and AESA capability including classic weight distribution types (CloudOne-Parameter Taylor-Kaiser, Taylor N-bar, Bayliss N-bar, etc.)" tool for more efficient Monte Carlo simulationsand user-defined complex weights*New capability added to "Roughen" tool for converting random roughened surfaces or objects to Polymesh objects for the purpose of freezing or export *New expanded graph controls for Matlab-style 2D Huygens source arrays with user defined amplitude and 3D plot phase distribution including classic weight distribution types(One-Parameter Taylor-Kaiser, Taylor N-bar, Bayliss N-bar, etc.) and user-defined complex weights*New option for PO input file to enable/disable 3D visualization of far-field read mesh data during sweep simulationsfrom an externally generated file *New option for arbitrary translation and scaling polarimetric scattering matrix sweep simulation as a special type of 3D radiation and the RCS patterns in the sceneobservable *Enhanced array factor with phase progression for the Improved radiation pattern observable associated and RCS observables with a single radiating elementpartial elevation and azimuth angle definitions
=== New Python Capabilities CubeCAD Features ===
*New startup Python script*New Python commands for project Improved polymesh objects with mesh statistics, better control over primitives and file managementmore display options*New Python commands for getting and setting individual properties mesh generation scheme in CubeCAD based on the tessellated model of geometric objects *New Python commands for accessing individual objects from the navigation treerendering*New Python commands for identifying Improved STL import of large structures and accessing material groups and their object members in the navigation tree scenes *New Python commands for getting the coordinates of nodes of a nodal curveMore control over STL export including mesh type and resolution*New Python command for aligning one of the six faces of the bounding box of an object at Improved parametric surface generator with option to generate a certain coordinatepolymesh surface*New Python commands for retrieving the value of Improved parametric curve generator with option to generate a standard or custom output parameterpolyline *New Python command for setting the boundary conditions of [[EM.Ferma]]*New Python command for setting up a thermal simulation Hilbert space-filling curve option in [[EM.Ferma]]parametric curve generator*New Python commands for defining all the 18 types of field integrals in [[EM.Ferma]]*New Python command for creating generic spatial Cartesian data in CubeCAD, [[EM.Tempo]] Improved nodal curves (polyline and NURBS curve) and nodal surfaces (polystrip and [[EM.Ferma]]*New Python functions NURBS surface) with option for translating, rotating, scaling, aligning saving and mirroring all loading the objects in the project workspacenode data *New Python function for rotating a radiation pattern*New Python function for computing the radiation pattern of a generalized 3D array*New Python function commands for generating the radiation pattern of polylines and polystrips from a Huygens surface data file*New Python functions for summing, differencing and scaling of .RAD, .RCS, .SEN, .CAR, .HUY and .COV data files*New Python functions for averaging or a set of radiation pattern, RCS or received power coverage data filestext string *New Python function command for extracting a portion part of a field sensor or a Cartesian data file*New Python function for generating a Touchstone file from S-parameter data filesnodal curve*Improved surrogate model generation based on the high-dimensional model representation (HDMR) technique and association roughen tool with Python functions of the same name*Improved Python script for sweeping new option to freeze a Python function or random rough surface into a surrogate model with cubic spline interpolation tessellated surface object*Improved Python script for genetic algorithm (GA) optimization of random group tool with new option to freeze a Python function or random cloud in to a surrogate model fixed group object*Improved Python script for Monte Carlo simulation New parameterization of a Python function or a surrogate model and generation of probability density functions (PDF) based on Gaussian kernel density estimation (KDE)generic objects resulting from geometric transformations
=== Integration with NeoScan Field Measurement System New General Features ===
*Automated export New array pattern synthesis tool including Schelkunoff, Sectoral beam, Woodward-Lawson synthesis methods, and particle swarm optimization (PSO)*New u-v plots of radiation pattern and RCS*New elevation-azimuth plots of radiation pattern and RCS*New contour plots of radiation pattern and RCS*Improved and streamlined interface between [[EM.Cube]] and [[NeoScan]] field measurement data to *[[RF.Spice A/D]] device manager now integrated within [[EM.Cube]]under Tools Menu*Automated nearA large number of transmission line calculator and designer tools as part of [[RF.Spice A/D]] device manager *New capability of generating reusable Touchstone-tostyle S-farparameter-field transformation of the nearbased circuit models for use in [[RF.Spice A/D]] from full-field wave simulation data for computation of 3D radiation patterns *Automated computation Capability of antenna gain designing custom circuit symbols and pin diagrams using [[RF.Spice A/D]] device manager’s symbol editor *Improved Python interpreter and command line output*New convenient Python scripting utility in addition to the command line*New Python command for running Python scripts from the command line*New Python functions for generating 2D cuts of radiation efficiencypattern and RCS*Automated generation New amplitude-only graphs of equivalent Huygens sources from measured nearS-field parameters*Improved polar plot capability with user defined dB scale*Plotting of two and three simultaneous data sets *Matlab-style visualization Logarithmic scale for the X and Y axes of measured output signal power in dBm corresponding to 2D cartesian graphs*More control over the default scale settings (linear vs. dB) of 2D and 3D graphs*New capability of saving and loading individualgraph settings and customization of 2D and 3D graphs based on previous templates*More file operations such as renaming and copying files within Data Manager*New basic data generator for examining user-component defined mathematical and total field maps Python functions*New basic and image-based data generator for importing data from a graph image
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