List of RF.Spice A/D Toolbars, Windows & Menus

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RF.Spice A/D Toolbars

Main Toolbar

B2.Spice A/D Main Toolbar

File & Edit Functions

New Project: Opens a new project with a blank schematic.

Open Project: Brings up a standard Open File dialog that will allow you to open a variety of saved files.

Save Project: Saves the active schematic.

Print: Prints the currently active document.

Cut: Cuts the selected schematic item and places it into the scrap memory to be pasted.

Copy: Places the selected schematic item into the scrap memory to be pasted.

Paste: Pastes the item in the scrap memory to the schematic.

Simulation Functions

Reset: Stops the current simulation and resets time to t = 0.

Pause: Pauses the current simulation temporarily.

Step: Increment the simulation time by one step.

Walk: Increments the simulation time by the time step multiplied by the "Walk Factor".

Run: Starts a new simulation or resumes a paused simulation.

Step Interval Settings: Opens the Simulation Time Settings dialog, where you can set the values of "Time Step" and "Walk Factor".

Step Ceiling: This mini-toolbar controls the step ceiling of the Simulation. Decrease the value to obtain finer time resolutions in your simulation. Increase it to speed up the simulation at the cost of accuracy.

NOTE: "Step Size" is different from "Step Ceiling". Step Size specifies how large each step of the simulation is when using the Step feature. Step Size does not factor into a live analog or mixed-mode simulation, where the SPICE simulation engine decides how large a step to take. Step Ceiling determines the maximum value of the step size which is calculated automatically by the simulation engine.

Update Interval: This mini-toolbar controls the update interval for such things as display of Virtual Instruments, the various meters' text or circuit animation. A smaller update interval will refresh the instruments and meter texts more quickly and give a more accurate display of the current circuit state at the cost of simulation speed. A larger value will do the reverse.

Schematic Toolbar

B2.Spice A/D Schematic Toolbar

The Schematic Toolbar only appears if a schematic is the active window.

To learn more about building schematics in B2.Spice A/D, see the section on Working with Schematic Editor.

Basic Functions

Select Tool: This is the most commonly used tool and sets the Schematic Editor's default normal "Select Mode". This mode will automatically be activated if you deactivate any of the other tools in the toolbar. You can also switch to the normal select mode using the Escape (Esc) Key. In this mode, you can open objects' property dialog by double-clicking on their symbol. Double-click on text blocks to edit them. Using the Select tool, you can drag out a rectangle around a group of devices, segments, and texts to select the group of them.

Wire Tool: This tool is used to draw the line segments that make up the wires. It starts a new segment every time you click down, and ends when you double-click or click the right mouse button.

Zoom In: Zooms in the circuit.

Zoom Out: Zooms out the circuit.

Text tool: Place text and labels on the circuit.

Probe tool: Allows you to probe wire states in a digital simulation.

View Functions

Show/Hide Grid: Toggle the display of the schematic's grid.

Snap To Grid: Toggle Schematic Editor's Snap-to-Grid feature. When depressed, the device pins and wires will always line up with grid points. When turned off, device pins and wires can be placed arbitrarily at any point.

Show/Hide Node Names: Toggles the display of node names on the schematic.

Show/Hide Part Names: Toggles the display of part names on the schematic.

Show/Hide Part Values: Toggles the display of part values on the schematic, such as resistance, capacitance, etc.

Show Voltage Text: Toggles the display of circuit animation's voltage text during a live analog simulation.

Show Voltage Graphics: Toggles the display of circuit animation's voltage graphics during a live analog simulation.

Show Current Text: Toggles the display of circuit animation's current text during a live analog simulation.

Show Current Graphics: Toggles the display of circuit animation's current graphics during a live analog simulation.

Show Power Text: Toggles the display of circuit animation's power text during a live analog simulation.

Show Power Graphics: Toggles the display of circuit animation's power graphics during a live analog simulation.

Toggle Perpendicular Wiring: Toggles the restricted perpendicular wiring mode. When depressed, wires are only allowed to be at 90-degree angles. When turned off, wires can take any arbitrary angle.

Show/Hide Border: Toggles the alpha-numeric border along the top and left of the schematic.

Show/Hide Title Box: Toggles the display of title box in the schematic.

Show/Hide Page Boundaries: Toggles the display of the printed page boundary as a dashed line.

Other Functions

Probe Menu: This drop-down menu allows you to place various types of voltage or current probes on your circuit. Select a probe type. The cursor shape changes to a small red probe. Drag and place it on a node in the case of a voltage probe, or place it on a device pin in the case of a current probe.

Layout Menu: This drop-down menu allows you to select how to display the windows and partition the workspace.

Zoom Drop-down List: This drop-down menu allows you to quickly set the zoom level instead of using the magnifying glass to zoom in and out. Click the Zoom button and a drop down list of pre-set zooms will appear. Click on one to apply it.

Show/Hide Live Digital Timing Diagrams: Toggles the display of the live timing diagram window at the bottom of the screen during a digital simulation.

Show/Hide Instruments: Toggles the display of the Virtual Instruments panel, allowing more schematic area to be displayed when hidden.

Graph Toolbar

B2.Spice A/D Graph Toolbar

The Graph Toolbar only appears if a graph document is the active window.

To learn more about graphs and plotting data in B2.Spice A/D, see the section on Visualizing Simulation Data Using Graphs and Tables.

View & Scale Functions

Select Tool: Sets the graph view's default normal "Select Mode".

Pan Tool: Pans the graph view. Use the hand cursor to grab part of the graph and drag left, right, up or down to pan it.

Scale To Fit All: Scales all the visible plots to display in the graph window.

Scale to Fit Horizontally: Scales the visible plots to fit length-wise, leaving the vertical scaling unchanged.

Stretch Horizontally: Expands all visible plots horizontally, leaving the vertical scaling unchanged.

Compress horizontally: Compresses all visible plots horizontally, leaving the vertical scaling unchanged.

Scale to Fit Vertically: Scales the visible plots to fit height-wise, leaving the horizontal scaling unchanged.

Stretch Vertically: Expands all visible plots vertically, leaving the horizontal scaling unchanged.

Compress Vertically: Compresses all visible plots vertically, leaving the horizontal scaling unchanged.

Zoom In: Allows you to draw a rectangle around a certain area of the graph window to zoom in to.

Zoom Out: Zooms out the graph vertically and horizontally at the same time.

Toggle Log X-Axis: Toggles the scale of the horizontal axis between linear and logarithmic.

Toggle Log Y-Axis: Toggles the scale of the vertical axis between linear and logarithmic.

Other Functions

Crosshair: Activates the crosshair cursor, which shows a pair of vertical and horizontal lines following the cursor over the graph.

Tracking Crosshair: Activates the tracking crosshair, which is like the crosshair tool but it follows the currently selected plot only.

Delta Tool: Allows you to quickly measure the X and Y differences between two points on a graph. Click once at the first point, hold down the mouse button, and move to the second point. A vertical and horizontal line will show you the location of the first and current position, while the vertical and horizontal changes are displayed in the Horz-D and Vert-D boxes in the information bar at the bottom of the graph.

Zoom To Selected Plot: Toggles the Auto zooming of plots, where the currently selected plot is automatically scaled to fit the graph window.

Highlight Selected Plot: Toggles the automatic highlighting of the selected plot. The highlighting is accomplised by increasing the plot line width by 2 pixels.

Calipers: The calipers are two vertical and two horizontal lines that can be repositioned on the graph to mark certain positions. Check each box toggles the display of a caliper. Each caliper can be dragged to the desired point and will remain static through subsequent simulation runs.

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