An Overview of System-Level Macromodeling Using Virtual Blocks

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An Introduction to Macromodeling in RF.Spice A/D

RF.Spice A/D provides an extensive library of black-box virtual blocks that allow you to quickly test and verify new system concepts without getting into the details of particular circuit realizations. A virtual block typically has one or more input pins and one or more output pins. It models a system-level function or behavior in the form of a relationship between the input and output voltages. For example, a multiplier block takes two input voltages and outputs their product. An analog frequency doubler takes a single sinusoidal input voltage and produces a sinusoidal output voltage whose frequency is twice as large as the input frequency. A real practical frequency doubler typically involves a sophisticated circuit either with discrete components or in the form of an integrated circuit. In many situations like system design, you simply need a "black box" that exhibits the behavior of a frequency doubler just to try out and verify a system concept. You would worry about the hardware implementation of your block at a later time after the proof of concept has been established. RF.Spice's virtual blocks will prove very useful when you design complex systems that contain many subcircuits and subsystems.

One of the great strengths of RF.Spice A/D is the ease of creating new user-defined devices or models. Most of RF.Spice's virtual blocks are indeed based on preloaded parameterized subcircuit models. You can open the Netlist code of these subcircuits, copy or modify them and package them into your own new virtual blocks. You can even convert an entire circuit into a model complete with your own symbol. There are also a number of virtual blocks whose underpinning models have been hard-coded into RF.Spice's simulation engines and device manager. An important difference between black-box virtual blocks and user-defined devices or simulation models is that virtual blocks typically use idealized devices/models and a combination of linear and nonlinear sources to minimize circuit complexity regardless of the feasibility of their hardware realization. In other words, they are primarily intended to represent functional behaviors rather than practical circuits.

The Stages of a Macromodel Virtual Block

A virtual block connects to the other parts of your circuit via its input and output pins. Most virtual blocks do not have a ground or reference pin. In that case, they are assumed to share the global ground. Almost all virtual blocks have input and output stages with either implicit or explicit input resistance and output resistance parameters. The default values of the input and output resistances are 10GΩ and 1μΩ, respectively. Obviously, these are unrealistic extreme values. The figure below shows the input and output stages of a typical virtual block. In cases where a virtual block does not provide explicit input and output resistance parameters, you can add an external shunt resistor at the input and an external series resistor at the output. The large shunt resistor at the output is added to provide better stability for DC operating point analysis.

A generic macromodel with input and output stages.

In the above figure, the linear controlled voltage source E1 usually follows the inout voltage vin. It can be replaced with a linear controlled current source or with a nonlinear (B-type) controlled voltage or current source depending on the particular purpose of the macromodel.

Example 1: Analog Signal Differentiation

The simplest voltage differentiator can be made based on the basic property of a capacitor:

[math] i(t) = C \frac{dv}{dt} [/math]

where v(t) and i(t) are the voltage and current of the capacitor, respectively, and C is it capacitance. Similarly for an inductor, one can write:

[math] v(t) = L \frac{di}{dt} [/math]

where L is the inductance.

It is important to note that with virtual blocks we only care about their functional behavior, completely ignoring the physical realization of particular circuits. In the above equations, if we set C = 1F or L = 1H (regardless of whether such capacitors or inductors are practical), we will get a direct derivative relationship between the voltage and current.

An ideal differentiator using a capacitor.

The above figure shows a voltage differentiator macromodel using a 1F capacitor.

[math] E_1 = (1) v_{in} \\ i_C = \frac{dE_1}{dt} = \frac{dv_{in}}{dt} \\ H_1 = (1) i_C \\ v_{out} \approx H_1 = \frac{dv_{in}}{dt} [/math]

An ideal differentiator using an inductor.


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