
What's New in EM.Cube R20.1?

714 bytes added, 19:14, 30 March 2020
=== New EM.Tempo (FDTD) Features ===
*New source arrays of lumped, waveguide, microstrip, CPW and coaxial types with phased array and AESA capability including classic weight distribution types (One-Parameter Taylor-Kaiser, Taylor N-bar, Bayliss N-bar, etc.) and user-defined complex weights
*New plots of material parameters vs. frequency for dispersive and gyrotropic material types
*New polarimetric scattering matrix sweep simulation as a special type of the RCS observable
*Improved radiation pattern and RCS observables with partial elevation and azimuth angle definitions
*Improved array factor definition for the radiation pattern observable with user defined amplitude and phase distribution including classic weight distribution types (One-Parameter Taylor-Kaiser, Taylor N-bar, Bayliss N-bar, etc.) and user-defined complex weights
*Improved antenna wizards with fast ports acceleration