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| style="width:150px;" !scope="col"| Syntax
| style="width:150px;" !scope="col"| Syntax
| style="width:120px;" !scope="col"| Type
| style="width:120px;" !scope="col"| Type
| style="width:350px;" !scope="col"| Description
| style="width:300px;" !scope="col"| Description
| style="width:350px;" !scope="col"| Notes
| style="width:300px;" !scope="col"| Notes
| sign(x)
| sign(x)

Revision as of 14:39, 29 August 2016

The table below gives a list of all the currently available library functions in EM.Cube:

Syntax Type Description Notes
sign(x) Std. Python function Sign function 1 if x>0, -1 if x<0
fac(x) Std. Python function Factorial For integer values of x: n! = n(n-1)(n-2)...3.2.1
fac2(x) Std. Python function Double factorial For even integer values of x: n!! = n(n-2)(n-4)...4.2, for odd integer values of x: n!! = n(n-2)(n-4)...5.3
ceiling(x) Std. Python function Ceiling function Nearest integer >= x
floor(x) Std. Python function Floor function Nearest integer <= x
power(x,y) Std. Python function Power function x**y
sqrt(x) Std. Python function Square root function x^(1/2)
exp(x) Std. Python function Exponential function e**x
log(x) Std. Python function Natural logarithm function -
log10(x) Std. Python function Base 10 logarithm function ln(x)/ln(10)
log(x,a) Std. Python function Base a logarithm function ln(x)/ln(a)
abs(x) Std. Python function Absolute value function x if x>0, -x if x<0
sin(x) Std. Python function Sine function -
cos(x) Std. Python function Cosine function -
tan(x) Std. Python function Tangent function -
sec(x) Std. Python function Secant function -
csc(x) Std. Python function Cosecant function -
cot(x) Std. Python function Cotangent function -
asin(x) Std. Python function Inverse sine function -
acos(x) Std. Python function Inverse cosine function -
atan(x) Std. Python function Inverse tangent function -
atan2(x,y) Std. Python function Inverse tangent function -
asec(x) Std. Python function Inverse secant function -
acsc(x) Std. Python function Inverse cosecant function -
acot(x) Std. Python function Inverse cotangent function -
sinh(x) Std. Python function Hyperbolic sine function -
cosh(x) Std. Python function Hyperbolic cosine function -
tanh(x) Std. Python function Hyperbolic tangent function -
sech(x) Std. Python function Hyperbolic secant function -
csch(x) Std. Python function Hyperbolic cosecant function -
coth(x) Std. Python function Hyperbolic cotangent function -
asinh(x) Std. Python function Inverse hyperbolic sine function -
acosh(x) Std. Python function Inverse hyperbolic cosine function -
atanh(x) Std. Python function Inverse hyperbolic tangent function -
asech(x) Std. Python function Inverse hyperbolic secant function -
acsch(x) Std. Python function Inverse hyperbolic cosecant function -
acoth(x) Std. Python function Inverse hyperbolic cotangent function -
Ci(x) Std. Python function Cosine integral function See Trigonometric Integrals on Wikipedia.
Si(x) Std. Python function Sine integral function See Trigonometric Integrals on Wikipedia.
C(x) Std. Python function Cosine Fresnel integral function See Fresnel Integrals on Wikipedia.
S(x) Std. Python function Sine Fresnel integral function See Fresnel Integrals on Wikipedia.
Ellip_E(x) Std. Python function Elliptic function of the first kind See Elliptic Integrals on Wikipedia.
Ellip_K(x) Std. Python function Elliptic function of the second kind See Elliptic Integrals on Wikipedia.
Ei(x) Std. Python function Exponential integral function See Exponential Integrals on Wikipedia.
En(n,x) Std. Python function Generalized exponential integral function of order n See Exponential Integrals on Wikipedia.
gauss(x) Std. Python function Gaussian function -
erf(x) Std. Python function Error function See Error Function on Wikipedia.
gamma(x) Std. Python function Gamma function See Gamma Function on Wikipedia.
Airy_A(x) Std. Python function Airy function of the first kind See Airy Functions on Wikipedia.
Airy_B(x) Std. Python function Airy function of the second kind See Airy Functions on Wikipedia.
Jn(n,x) Std. Python function Bessel function of the first kind and order n See Bessel Functions on Wikipedia.
Yn(n,x) Std. Python function Bessel function of the second kind and order n See Bessel Functions on Wikipedia.
In(n,x) Std. Python function Modified Bessel function of the first kind and order n See Bessel Functions on Wikipedia.
Kn(n,x) Std. Python function Modified Bessel function of the second kind and order n See Bessel Functions on Wikipedia.
SB_jn(n,x) Std. Python function Spherical Bessel function of the first kind and order n See Bessel Functions on Wikipedia.
SB_yn(n,x) Std. Python function Spherical Bessel function of the second kind and order n See Bessel Functions on Wikipedia.
SB_in(n,x) Std. Python function Modified spherical Bessel function of the first kind and order n See Bessel Functions on Wikipedia.
SB_kn(n,x) Std. Python function Modified spherical Bessel function of the second kind and order n See Bessel Functions on Wikipedia.
Pn(n,x) Std. Python function Legendre function of the first kind and order n See Legendre Polynomials on Wikipedia.
Qn(n,x) Std. Python function Legendre function of the second kind and order n See Legendre Polynomials on Wikipedia.
Tn(n,x) Std. Python function Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind and order n See Chebyshev Polynomials on Wikipedia.
Un(n,x) Std. Python function Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind and order n See Chebyshev Polynomials on Wikipedia.
LGn(n,x) Std. Python function Laguerre polynomial of order n See Laguerre Polynomials on Wikipedia.
Hn(n,x) Std. Python function Hermite polynomial of order n See Hermite Polynomials on Wikipedia.
Un(n,x) Std. Python function Hermite-Gauss function of order n -
Math_ce(n,r,x) Std. Python function Even periodic (cosine) Mathieu function of order n See Mathieu Functions on Wikipedia.
Math_se(n,r,x) Std. Python function Odd periodic (sine) Mathieu function of order n See Mathieu Functions on Wikipedia.
Rect(x) EMAG Python function Rectangle function x|≤0.5, 0 elsewhere
Tri(x) EMAG Python function Triangle function 1-x|≤1, 0 elsewhere
Spln2(x) EMAG Python function Quadratic spline function -
Spln3(x) EMAG Python function Cubic spline function -
Step(x) EMAG Python function Step function 1 if x>0, 0 if x<0
Haar(x) EMAG Python function Haar function x|<0.5, 0 elsewhere
Ramp(x) EMAG Python function Ramp function -
Trapz(a,x) EMAG Python function Trapezoidal function -
Sqwv(x) EMAG Python function Square wave function -
Stwv(x) EMAG Python function Sawtooth wave function -
Trwv(x) EMAG Python function Triangle wave function -
Plstr(d,x) EMAG Python function Pulse train function with duty cycle d -
Sinc(d,x) EMAG Python function Sinc function sin(pi*x)/(pi*x)
Fejer(n,x) EMAG Python function Fejer function of order n -
Rand(x) EMAG Python function Random function -
Z0_MS(e,x) EMAG Python function Characteristic impedance of a microstrip transmission line x: width-to-height ratio, e: substrate permittivity
w_MS(z,e,t) EMAG Python function Width of a microstrip transmission line z: characteristic impedance, e: substrate permittivity, t: substrate thickness
eeff_MS(e,x) EMAG Python function Effective permittivity of a microstrip transmission line x: width-to-height ratio, e: substrate permittivity
woh_MS(e,z) EMAG Python function Width-to-height ratio of a microstrip transmission line z: characteristic impedance z, e: substrate permittivity
Z0_CPW(e,x,y) EMAG Python function Characteristic impedance of a coplanar waveguide transmission line x: slot width-to-height ratio, y: center strip width-to-height ratio, e: substrate permittivity
eeff_CPW(e,x,y) EMAG Python function Effective permittivity of a coplanar waveguide transmission line x: slot width-to-height ratio, y: center strip width-to-height ratio, e: substrate permittivity
horn_a(d,x,y) EMAG Python function Wavelength-normalized a-dimension of an optimal pyramidal horn antenna d: directivity d, x and y: wavelength-normalized waveguide dimensions
horn_b(d,x,y) EMAG Python function Wavelength-normalized b-dimension of an optimal pyramidal horn antenna d: directivity d, x and y: wavelength-normalized waveguide dimensions
horn_l(d,x,y) EMAG Python function Wavelength-normalized length of an optimal pyramidal horn antenna d: directivity d, x and y: wavelength-normalized waveguide dimensions


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