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RF.Spice A/D: Getting Started

2 bytes removed, 02:33, 14 August 2015
/* Two Distinct Simulation Modes */
[[RF.Spice A/D]] provides two distinct simulation modes: interactive "Live Simulations" and non-interactive "Predefined [[Tests]]". There are important differences between a test and a live simulation that must be understood before you can use [[RF.Spice A/D]] effectively.
A "Live Simulation" is simply a continuous transient simulation, which starts at time t = 0 and increments indefinitely by a user-defined time periodstep. Simulations can be paused and continued but they run continuously until they are stopped, paused or reset. Live simulations can be stimulated by [[Virtual Instruments|virtual instruments]] like Function Generator or Power Supply, and their results can be measured by [[Virtual Instruments|virtual instruments]] like Oscilloscope, Ammeter, Voltmeter, etc. You can also use regular voltage or current sources to excite your circuit during a live simulation or use probes or circuit [[animation]] to display node voltages and currents in real time. You can vary your circuit's parameter values in real time from the "Circuit [[Parameters]]" panel of the toolbox and observe the circuit's response immediately.
"Predefined [[Tests]]", on the other hand, are run with some advance planning and preset simulation [[parameters]]. You can run [[tests]] to analyze your circuit in time and frequency domains and characterize its DC bias (operating point), transient and steady-state AC responses, noise performance, network [[parameters]], etc. The output results of [[RF.Spice A/D]] [[tests]] are displayed on graphs or tabulated in tables.