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4 bytes removed, 13:39, 17 July 2018
/* Simulating a Multiport Structure in EM.Tempo */
Every time you create a new source with one of the above types, the program asks if you want to initiate a new port and associate it with the newly created source. If the physical structure of your project workspace has N sources, then N default ports are defined, with one port assigned to each source according to their order in the navigation tree. You can define any number of ports equal to or less than the total number of sources in your project.
If your physical structure has two or more sources, but you have not defined any ports, all the sources will excite the structure simultaneously during the simulation. However, when you assign N ports to the sources, then you have a multiport structure that is characterized by an N×N scattering matrix, an N×N impedance matrix, and an N×N admittance matrix. To calculate these matrices, [[EM.Tempo]] uses a binary excitation scheme in conjunction with the principle of linear superposition. In this binary scheme, the structure is analyzed a total of N times. Each time one of the N port-assigned sources is excited, and all the other port-assigned sources are turned off. In other words, the FDTD solver runs a "port sweep" internally. When the ''j''th port is excited, all the S<sub>ij</sub> parameters are calculated together based on the following definition:
:<math> S_{ij} = \sqrt{\frac{Re(Z_i)}{Re(Z_j)}} \cdot \frac{V_j - Z_j^*I_j}{V_i+Z_i I_i} </math>