
What's New in EM.Cube R18.1?

312 bytes added, 19:25, 15 July 2018
/* New Python Capabilities */
*New Python commands for project and file management
*New Python commands for getting and setting individual properties of geometric objects
*New Python commands for accessing individual objects from the navigation tree
*New Python commands for identifying and accessing material groups and their object members in the navigation tree
*New Python commands for getting the coordinates of nodes of a nodal curve
*New Python command for aligning one of the six faces of the bounding box of an object at a certain coordinate
*New Python commands for retrieving the value of a standard or custom output parameter
*New Python command for setting the boundary conditions of [[EM.Ferma]]
*New Python command for creating generic spatial Cartesian data in CubeCAD, [[EM.Tempo]] and [[EM.Ferma]]
*New Python function for rotating a radiation pattern
*New Python functions for translating, rotating, scaling, aligning and mirroring all the objects in the project workspace
*New Python function for computing the radiation pattern of a generalized 3D array
*New Python function for generating the radiation pattern of a Huygens surface data file