THE OLD What's New in EM.Cube 2016?

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Full-Scale Python Scripting Capability

The all-new EM.Cube 2016 is the most powerful electromagnetic simulation suite EMAG Technologies Inc. has ever developed in its history of more than two decades. The most ground-breaking new feature of EM.Cube 2016 is its full-scale Python scripting capability. The new Python command line allows you to quickly execute one-line Python commands. The command window keeps a history of all the executed commands. Besides all the standard Python functions and a large collection of modules and libraries, EM.Cube now features more than 150 native (EM.Cube-specific) Python commands that cover a wide range of functionalities and operations:

  • Parameterized CAD Modeling: Almost all of the object creation and editing operations and geometrical transformations have fully parameterized Python commands.
  • Simulation Setup: Commands for settings up the computational domain, boundary conditions, excitation sources and simulation observables.
  • Simulation Flow Control: Commands for mesh generation and simulation engine run that can easily be combined with Python's standard recursive loops and conditional statements.
  • User Defined Functions: In addition to Python's standard and library functions, EM.Cube allows you to easily create your own custom Python functions. These functions can be used to define dependent variables, parameterize geometric objects, sources and other project attributes, define custom output parameters and design objectives, or perform post-processing computations on the simulation data.

A Large Expandable Collection of One-Click Wizards

Also new in EM.Cube 2016 are more than 60 one-click wizards for quick creation of various transmission lines, antenna structures and propagation scenes in most of EM.Cube modules. All the wizards are based on Python scripts that are available for user modification or enhancement. In other words, you can use the preloaded wizards as templates to build your own custom reusable structures and components. The new EM.Cube 2016 allows you to export the entire physical structure or a partial object selection as a Python script. Such Python scripts or models can readily be imported to any other project at any time. When you export a geometry to a Python script, some of the project attributes such as the user-defined variables are also exported to maintain a full picture.

Other New Exciting Features

Some other new features of EM.Cube 2016 include:

  • New Parameterized Curve Generator Utility: Create an editable curve of Cartesian, polar or parametric type based on mathematical expressions or user-defined Python functions.
  • New Parameterized Surface Generator Utility: Create an editable Cartesian surface on one of the three principal planes based on mathematical expressions or user-defined Python functions.
  • New Parameterized Fractal Generator Utility: Create an editable fractal tree with linear or cylindrical branches.
  • Streamlined Definition of Excitation Sources and Port Definitions: Ports are now automatically defined and associated at the time of creating most source types. Moreover, a source array is automatically generated when you create an array of an object that contains a source.
  • New Composite Arrays: You can now create arrays of a composite object that is made up of several constituent geometric objects containing various types of sources.
  • New Excitation Source Types in EM.Tempo: Three new source types, Microstrip Port, CPW Port and Coaxial Port, take the guesswork out of building complex microwave circuit structures.
  • Streamlined Terrain Surfaces in EM.Terrano: Now any surface object can be defined as a terrain surface for your propagation scene including random rough surfaces of any profile and statistics.
  • New Equation-Based Source Definition in EM.Ferma: In addition to electric and magnetic sources of uniform density, you can now define of volume charges, volume currents and permanents magnets, whose charge density, or current density or magnetization vector are mathematical expressions or user-defined Python functions in the global coordinates (x,y,z).

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