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    <alllinks galcontinue="B2.Spice_A/D|5294" />
      <page pageid="1588" ns="0" title="Using Device &amp; System Parameters as Variables" />
      <page pageid="1984" ns="0" title="Old Glossary of Generic Analog, Digital and Mixed-Mode Devices" />
      <page pageid="2181" ns="0" title="An Overview of RF.Spice" />
      <page pageid="2226" ns="0" title="Importing RF Device Models" />
      <page pageid="4015" ns="0" title="B2.Spice A/D-RF.Spice" />
      <page pageid="4327" ns="0" title="Analyzing Circuits Using RF.Spice A/D Tests" />
      <page pageid="4528" ns="0" title="Digital Tutorial Lesson 5: Building a Reusable Digital Device: Binary Full Adder" />
      <page pageid="4558" ns="0" title="Mixed-Signal Tutorial Lesson 4: Designing Sample-And-Hold Mixed-Mode Circuits" />
      <page pageid="4739" ns="0" title="Digital Tutorial Lesson 5: Building a Reusable Digital Device - A Binary Full Adder" />
      <page pageid="4741" ns="0" title="Digital Tutorial Lesson 5: Building Reusable Digital Devices - Binary Half &amp; Full Adders" />